Own Your Learning
Flex Time acknowledges that students lead busy lives and navigate competing demands for their time in and outside of school. Flex Time provides students the opportunity to self-direct and engage in their own learning.
While some school wide initiatives might occur during Flex Time, teachers will not be teaching new course material. Teachers will be accessible to students for additional help and guidance on current and ongoing learning. As this is school instructional time, students are expected to be in a classroom for the entire Flex Time period.
What expectations are there for students?
• Flex time is class/instructional time. Students must be in a learning space.
• Students must arrive at their flex class by the bell and remain in the class for the full period.
• Students must bring all materials needed to work for the entire block.
• Students may only attend classes of their current teachers.
• Students may be required to attend a specific class for flex at a teacher’s request.
• Students must be working on individual or group school work during flex.
• Students must sign up for a Flex class using Student Connect.
What are the benefits of Flex Time?
Flex time provides the opportunity to:
• complete assignments
• practice presentations
• study for tests and quizzes
• receive help from a teacher
• collaborate with classmates on group assignments
• reduce homework
• meet with a counsellor, youth worker or administrator
Where do students go during Flex Time?
Students are expected to be in one of their teacher’s classrooms. Students may also schedule an appointment in advance with a counsellor, youth worker, career advisor or administrator.
How do students sign up for a Flex class?
Students sign up for Flex classes using Student Connect. Students should plan their Flex schedule well in advance of the day of a class. Signing up in advance avoids classes being full and unavailable.
Is attendance taken during Flex Time?
Yes, attendance is taken. Students who do not sign up for Flex classes or do not attend the Flex classes they sign up for will be marked absent. Absences from Flex time will be recorded and viewable on Student and Parent Connect.
How can parents help?
Parents can support their children in making effective use of Flex Time by
assisting them in planning their Flex schedule in advance. Parents should
encourage their children to sign up for Flex classes in which they would
benefit from assistance from a teacher, additional time to complete
assignments and/or prepare for upcoming assessments.
Flex Time Schedule
Flex Time will take place each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 1st and 2nd period. Each Wednesday, school will begin at 9:30am.