CANTEEN: The school canteen serves lunches and snacks during our lunch break each day. Students are expected to do their part in keeping the canteen clean, attractive and free of litter while eating lunch.
CAREER CENTRE: The Career Centre offers many services to students and your are encouraged to visit. The Career Centre is located just behind the office. Please see the Career Centre tab for more information.
COMPUTER LABS: You are welcome to use the labs during class or out of class if you have the permission of a teacher. The labs are only available for completing school assignments and are not to be used for games, email, or personal Internet browsing. If you wish to work in a computer lab you must sign the Login Sheet. Food and drink are not allowed in the labs.
COUNSELLORS: Sands counsellors are available for students, staff and parents. Counsellors work with you in a variety of ways including helping you choose appropriate courses, working with you if you are having course difficulties, and assisting you if you are having personal problems. If you wish to make an appointment with a counsellor, please go to the counselling area and speak with a counsellor to arrange a time to meet. The counselling area is just behind the office.
CUSTODIANS: The Custodial staff helps keep the school clean and in good repair. These duties can best be fulfilled if the custodians have the co-operation of the members of our school community. We believe everyone has a responsibility to keep the building and the grounds clean and litter free.
LIBRARY: Our library is open for classes during the school day and at other designated times. General reading items are placed on a three-week loan. Certain heavy-use items may be placed on a restricted (over night) loan.
- We have an extensive magazine collection as well as paperbacks. Sands Library has all reference materials you might expect from a modern library, including Internet service. If students wish to obtain any library information, the staff, including the librarian and student assistants, will be pleased to help. It is our expectation that the library will be a quiet place for study and pleasure reading. No food or drink is allowed in the library.
MEDICAL ROOM: The medical room is located in the front office. If you are ill and need to use this facility for a short period of time, you must request the permission of your teacher and inform the office staff.
- Accidents and emergencies should be referred to a staff member immediately. If you need to go home because of an accident or illness, you must sign out at the office. A parent must be contacted before you leave the school.
OFFICE AREA: The general office area contains the offices of the Principal, the Vice-Principal and the working areas of four secretaries. Also included in the office are the public address system and the medical room.
- You are to direct inquiries to the secretary at the front counter before entering the office.
- When in the office, you are expected to be quiet and respectful.
POLICE LIAISON: The school’s Police Liaison Officer gives support and information to you and the staff. The officer is a good source of accurate information and advice on matters related to motor vehicles, alcohol and drugs, and criminal or civil law. The officer sometimes attends classes and helps out with supervision of school events.
- Learning Assistance: At Sands, a full range of support is available to students requiring special assistance in all subject areas. Your subject teacher is the first person to contact for extra help if you are running into difficulty. For additional support or a referral to a special program, see your counsellor.
- Peer Tutoring: Peer Tutors are available in each block to assist a student in both specific subject areas and in general organizational strategies. The Learning Assistance teacher provides training and supervision of peer tutors.
- Strategies: The SLD program is designed to meet the needs of students with diagnosed learning disabilities. Because of the specialized nature of the programme, students must meet district criteria for placement. Referrals for testing and possible placement can be initiated by contacting your counsellor.