Staff Directory

To email one of our staff members, please click on their name below, OR email teachers through ParentConnect/StudentConnect.


Mr. R. Mesichrmesich@deltaschools.caPrincipal
Mr. T. Inkstertinkster@deltaschools.caVice Principal
Ms. S. Aujlasaujla@deltaschools.caSupportive Learning
Ms. C. Bergmancbergman@deltaschools.caLearning Assistance
Mr. D. Campbelldcampbell@deltaschools.caWoodwork, Career Prep/Work Experience
Mr. J. Changjchang@deltaschools.caMath
Ms. H. Cooperhcooper@deltaschools.caModified Academics
Ms. R. Dherarirdherari@deltaschools.caFoods
Ms. E. Evanseevans@deltaschools.caEnglish
Mr. R. Evansrevans@deltaschools.caMedia Arts, Yearbook, Social StudiesWebsite Link
Mr. E. Fahrmannefahrmann@deltaschools.caSocial Studies, Digital Literacy
Mr. P. Falkowskipfalkowski@deltaschools.caDrama, Fine Arts, Socials
Ms. J. Galbraithjgalbraith@deltaschools.caScience, Math
Ms. J. Gaudryjgaudry@deltaschools.caGrad Quest, Supportive Learning
Mr. K. Gaullkgaull@deltaschools.caPhysical Education, Social StudiesWebsite Link
Mr. S. Hallshall@deltaschools.caMathematics
Mr. R. Hillrhill@deltalearns.caMathematics, Science
Mr. S. Hongshong@deltaschools.caPhysical EducationTwitter, Website Link
Ms. A. Huyngahuynh@deltaschools.caFrench, ESL
Mr. G. Jamiesongjamieson@deltaschools.caSocial Studies, Humanities, Spanish
Ms. J. Jimenezjjimenez@deltaschools.caSpanish
Ms. V. Kenisvkenis@deltaschools.caBiology, Physical EducationWebsite Link
Ms. L. Lainchburyllainchbury@deltaschools.caFoods, Socials
Mr. K. McCormickkmccormick@deltaschools.caMathematics
Ms. L. McCutcheonlmccutcheon@deltaschools.caEnglish, Humanities
Ms. K. McGreeveykmcgreevey@deltaschools.caTeacher-Librarian
Mr. B. Murraybmurray@deltaschools.caGradQuest, Supportive LearningWebsite Link
Ms. D. Muterdmuter@deltaschools.caLearning AssistanceWebsite Link
Ms. E. Nikasenikas@deltaschools.caEnglish, French
Mr. B. Norrishbnorrish@deltaschools.caComputer, Woodwork
Mr. G. Notar-Macleangnotarmaclean@deltaschools.caMath
Ms. C. Papakostacpapakosta@deltaschools.caFrench, English
Mr. J. Proctorjproctor@deltaschools.caLifeskills
Ms. N. Sahaydaknsahaydak@deltaschools.caLifeskills, Planning, Textiles
Ms. B. Savoybsavoy@deltaschools.caMathematics, Science, PE, , International CoordinatorWebsite Link
Mr. L. Serreslserres@deltaschools.caPhysical Education, PsychologyWebsite Link
Ms. K. Smythksmyth@deltaschools.caMath, LST
Mr. D. Thompsondthompson@deltaschools.caActive Living
Mr. R. Townsendrtownsend@deltaschools.caPhysical Education, Science, Digital Literacy
Ms. J. Tsengjtseng@deltaschools.caBand / Music
Ms. C. Vandopcvandop@deltaschools.caSocials, English
Mr. A. Woodawood@deltaschools.caArt
Ms. H. Yaohyao@deltaschools.caPhysics, Science
Mr. R. Zabudskyrzabudsky@deltaschools.caMetalwork, Drafting, Mechanics
Mr. C. Abernethy
Grade 11 & 12
Mr. A. Randhawa
Grade 8, 9, & 10
Monday & Friday
Ms. A. Janda
Grade 8, 9, & 10
Tuesday to Thursday
Ms. K. Watterskwatters@deltaschools.caYouth Care Worker
Ms. S. Sidhususidhu@deltaschools.caYouth Care Worker
Ms. J. Sansregretjsansregret@deltaschools.caCareer Counsellor
Ms. B. Savoybsavoy@deltaschools.caInternational Coordinator
Education Assistants
Ms. S. Corbeil*Supportive Learning / Grad Quest
Ms. S. D'Onofrio*Supportive Learning / Grad Quest
Ms. C. Fong*Supportive Learning / Grad Quest
Ms. P. Gupta*Modified Academics
Ms. A. Herd*Life Skills
Ms. L. Karila*Modified Academics
Ms. C. Kirby*Life Skills
Ms. J. Li*Life Skills
Ms. A. Mak*Modified Academics
Ms. O. Margaritis*Supportive Learning / Grad Quest
Ms. K. Meenakshi*Life Skills
Ms. H. Randhawa*Life Skills
Ms. K. Stringer*Modified Academics
Ms. E. Vida*Modified Academics
Ms. R. Virk*Life Skills
General Mailboxsands@deltasd.bc.caAttendance and inquiries
Ms. T. Edworthytedworthy@deltaschools.caAdministrative Assistant

(Student Fees)
Ms. J. Marieirojmarieiro@deltaschools.caStudent Information Systems Administrator
Ms. R. Legharirleghari@deltaschools.caAccounting
Ms. K. Hopkinskhopkins@deltaschools.caOffice Support