Student Evaluation


• Report cards are issued in November, February, April and June
• The Ministry of Education requires that all secondary students in grade 10 – 12 receive percentages for final marks. Students in grade 8 and 9 receive a proficiency standard.
• The information on each report reflects student progress to date.
• Teachers are encouraged to contact parents, via written interim reports, email or by telephone, at various times during the school year to notify them of concerns regarding a student’s progress.
• We encourage parents to contact teachers and school counsellors at any time during the year to request special progress reports, or to discuss any concerns as they arise.
• The Graduation Numeracy10, Literacy 10 and Literacy 12 Assessments are required for Graduation for students graduating in 2021 and onward. This assessment is assessed on a proficiency scale and is not linked to any Math course. Students can take three opportunities to improve their proficiency.

Term ReportsPercentGPA (Grade Point Average)
A = Excellent86 – 100A = 4.0
B = Very Good73 – 85B = 3.0
C+ = Good67 – 72C+ = 2.5
C = Satisfactory60 – 66C = 2.0
C- = Minimally Acceptable50 – 59C- = 1.0
F = Failing0 – 49F = 0

I = In Progress or Incomplete. The student is not demonstrating a minimally acceptable performance. The teacher will provide an ‘I’ plan for the student.

• Provincial Proficiency Scale
If your child is in Grades K – 9, you won’t see letter grades on their report card. Instead, you will see information on where your child is on the Provincial Proficiency Scale. The scale uses the terms “Emerging”, “Developing”, “Proficient”, and “Extending” to describe student learning. The scale maintains high standards for student learning.

Emerging means your child is beginning to understand something in an area of learning. They are still learning but may need more support to move ahead. Emerging doesn’t mean your child is unsuccessful in this area.Developing means your child understands some things in an area of learning but still has other areas to work on. Like Emerging, it doesn’t mean your child is unsuccessful in this area.Proficient is the goal for your child. It’s also the goal for all students. When your child is Proficient, it means they fully understand the required learning. But it doesn’t mean their learning stops.Extending is when students show a deeper understanding. It’s when your child is able to apply their learning in new and different ways. Extending is not the goal for all students in every area of learning.

If a student has not provided sufficient evidence of learning in relation to the learning outcomes for a course, a teacher will notify the family and provide a plan for the student to be successful.


Sands values and recognizes the hard work and service of our students both in and out of the classroom at school.
We recognize student achievement through our awards and student recognition ceremony held every June. See the Sands website for updated details.


• Parent-Teacher interviews provide further opportunities to discuss student progress.
• Interviews are on a first come, first-filled appointment system pre-scheduled through Parent Connect prior to the Interview date.
• Parents should check newsletters, the school website, e-mails, and the school signs for dates of online appointment sign up.
• It is particularly important for parents of struggling students to meet with their subject teachers in order for student achievement to improve.


• Departments will have more descriptive standards unique to the courses and expectations of the teacher

BehaviourGood (G)Satisfactory (S)Needs Improvement (N)
AttendanceNo unexcused absencesNo unexcused absencesUnexcused absences
PunctualityOn time to every classOne or two late arrivalsFrequently late to class and/or late by several minutes
EquipmentAlways brings equipmentOccasionally has forgotten equipment Frequently does not bring equipment
Work EthicGets to work quickly; remains on taskWorks well as directed and generally remains on taskSlow to get started, must be supervised constantly and closely or goes off task
AttitudeShows interest in the class; offers constructive ideasIs generally accepting of class work and displays a positive attitudeOften brings a negative attitude to class; complains and/or goes off task
ParticipationFrequently offers productive ideas; works to support the activity in classTakes part in activities; responds when called uponAvoids taking part in class activities; rarely contributes to class or contributes negatively
HomeworkWork is always fully completed; evidence of home study for examsRegularly completes work to an acceptable quality; some evidence of home study for examsFrequently incomplete, showing minimal effort; rare evidence of home study for exams
ResponsibilityOften shows initiative; accepts feedback and takes responsibility to improve; work submitted on time and is present for due dates, scheduled presentations, and tests.Occasionally shows initiative; responds appropriately to feedback and makes corrections as directed; Some missed deadlines. Some absenteeism for due dates, presentations, and tests.Rarely shows initiative; responds poorly to feedback; avoids doing remedial work; frequently absent for due dates, scheduled presentations, and tests. Frequently submits work late.