Cell phones and handheld devices can be disruptive in a classroom when used for non-educational purposes. Therefore, it is up to teacher’s discretion as to when they can be used and for what purpose.
• Use of cell phones or other communications devices during tests is strictly prohibited as it compromises Academic Integrity (see section on page 18) and may result in a consequence.
• Due to privacy reasons, students are to not take pictures or videos while in school, unless they have permission from a teacher for a school project. Phones and devices are not permitted to be used while in bathrooms or change rooms.
• Students using electronic devices inappropriately may have them confiscated and given to the administration for later return.
• The school accepts no responsibility for these items if they are lost or stolen. Technological devices are easily stolen or misplaced and we do not have the time and resources to investigate.
Link to Sands Cell Phone Use Policy letter from the Principal
• Textbooks and library books are school property.
• Students whose books are damaged, lost, or stolen are required to pay a replacement or damage fee.
• Replacements texts will not be issued until the fee is paid.
• Student records and/or yearbooks will also be retained until debts are paid; however, students will be refunded if lost or stolen texts or library books are found and returned in the condition in which they were loaned.
• Each student will be assigned a locker and lock at the beginning of the year. Combinations will be posted to Student Connect;
• Students will need their own lock for use during PE. Student belongings that are not locked up may be stolen from the PE changing rooms. It is highly recommended that students lock their belongings during their PE and Extracurricular activities.
• Students should not share their lock combinations with anyone;
• The locker is to be kept clean and food related items are to be removed on a regular basis;
• Students are responsible for cleaning and removing all material from their locker at the end of the year or when they leave the school.
• Neither the school nor the School Board is responsible for items stolen from lockers, changing rooms, or the school;
• NO valuables should be left in the gym change room at any time;
• Lockers are school property and both lockers and their contents may be examined by the administration at any time and without prior notice for safety and cleanliness concerns or due cause
• There may be occasions when school personnel find it necessary to search a student’s locker, personal property, desk or even their person because of suspected breaches of school rules and/or the law.
In the interests of maintaining student safety and the protection of school property, Sands has video cameras in public areas (hallways, exterior of the building, cafeteria, etc.). In dealing with surveillance of students, we recognize our legal obligation to provide appropriate levels of supervision in the interests of student safety and the fact that students have privacy rights that are reduced but not eliminated while the students are under the supervision of the school. Video surveillance, like other forms of student supervision, must be carried out in a way that respects student privacy rights. A recording is recognized to be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
• Pursuant to the School Act, schools are considered private property.
• All visitors must report to the front office. Parents and persons with official business are welcome.
• No persons except those granted permission by administration are permitted on school property.
• Sands students are not permitted on the property of another school without direct teacher supervision or administration permission.
• If students notice people in our school who do not belong, students must notify the nearest responsible adult or the office immediately.
• Anyone without authorized visitor status is considered an intruder and may be charged with trespass under Section 177 of the School Act and possibly Section 175 of the Criminal Code.
• The school must be notified immediately of any contact changes during the year.
• Official documentation of proof of residence is required in order to change the address of the student.
• The school must be able to contact a designated guardian at all times to report attendance, achievement, illness, or injury.
• Sands recognizes the importance of teenage fashion styles. Nevertheless, students are to use common sense to ensure clothing is appropriate for a formal school setting. School is a place of learning and requires students to dress appropriately.
• Separate gym strip is required in PE.
• Footwear is required at all times.
• Inappropriate attire includes:
o Designs showing weapons and/or violence
o Logos of a sexual nature
o Logos with racial/gender superiority
o Promotion of the use of drugs, alcohol, or violence
o Obscene language;
o Clothing which is too revealing or “beach wear”;
• Students wearing inappropriate clothing may be required to wear the piece of clothing inside out or change at the discretion of the administration.
• Students are required to pay the Student Activity Fee that covers the cost of school, social and athletic activities of benefit to the entire student body;
• The fee also covers the cost of the Student Agenda (for Grade 8 and 9 only) and the bus GO-CARD.
• Grade 12 students are charged a Graduation fee to cover the costs of graduation activities and the Valedictory Ceremony.
Sands students have the opportunity to purchase a yearbook. The book goes on sale in September for ~$60 (fee updated annually) and should be ordered early to ensure availability.
• Students selected courses in February of the previous school year. Students may request course changes, but changes may not be possible due to class size limitations.
• Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes unless they have made a change with a counsellor;
• Students moving or withdrawing from school must notify their counsellors;
• The office will provide students with a checklist to ensure that all textbooks, library books, equipment and school debts are dealt with before leaving.
• All school debts must be paid before leaving or student records will not be forwarded.
• Grade 12 students are permitted to have a study block once they have completed Grad Transitions.
• Students with a study period are permitted to be in the library, canteen, study halls, or off-campus.
• Any other area in the school is out-of-bounds while regular classes are in session.
• Bicycles should be securely locked to the bike racks outside room 403 or in the courtyard.
• In-line skating and skateboarding is not permitted at school;
• Parking at school is a privilege and students must drive safely and follow traffic rules to maintain this privilege;
• Students may park in areas not designated for staff;
• Vehicles parked in any other school area may be towed.
• Students are required to have permission forms signed by parents/guardians prior to going on any field trips;
• Teachers will inform students of all financial and other arrangements;
• Field Trips are not compulsory but alternative work must be completed in lieu of participation;
• Students on field trips are responsible for work missed in other classes;
• All normal school rules apply to students on field trips.
In accordance with Delta School Board Policy and the Provincial Tobacco Control Act, smoking or using smoking related devices anywhere on school property is forbidden regardless of whether or not school is in session.
• The school’s environment is everyone’s responsibility.
• Packed lunches should use reusable containers.
• All containers should be taken home for reuse or disposal.
• As of September, 2015, the school has implemented the new Metro Vancouver guidelines by separating organic litter, recyclables, and garbage using centralized garbage/recycling stations.
• Delta School District uses single stream recycling where all paper, plastic, and metal is deposited in the same bin.
Whenever an alarm sounds, teachers will lead students out the nearest exit in an orderly fashion. If the alarm sounds before classes or during a break, students exit the building and report to their PREVIOUS CLASS teachers; students on study report to the reporting station. No one is to re-enter the building until the “all clear” bell sounds (three short rings). Students must note that tampering with fire alarms is a criminal offence.
During an earthquake, the following procedures are practiced:
1. Move quickly under a desk or table when possible, or crouch against a wall, placing your hands over your head for protection.
2. Stay clear of windows, bookcases, filing cabinets, and other large objects that could topple over.
3. Remain in your chosen protected area until the shaking stops and teachers give instructions.
4. If you are outside during the quake, remain clear of windows, trees, power lines, and parked vehicles.
5. In the event of a disaster, students will be released to approved guardians only. Sands has an Emergency Release Plan where students will be organized by their last name in the courts.
6. Families need to ensure that their emergency contact and release information on Parent Connect is up-to-date.