Registration Process for the 2025/2026 School Year
The following documentation must be presented along with your application:
If you own your home we require the following:
- Property Tax Assessment
- or Mortgage or Purchase Agreement
- and One piece of government issued identification with picture and address
If you rent your home we require EACH of the following:
- Copy of Rental Agreement
- One piece of government issued identification with picture and address
- One of the following pieces of recent correspondence including name and current address:
- Bank statement
- Utility bill (electricity, water, gas)
- Credit card statement
- Government issued cheque
- Income tax assessment
- Vehicle ownership document
- Insurance certificate
We will also require BOTH of the following:
- Appropriate proof of citizenship or status in Canada for both students and parents, and appropriate proof of age for students. (original birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate, immigration or refugee documentation)
- Most recent report card from previous school