The actions of a student-athlete are a reflection of themselves, their team, their school, and their community. However, student-athletes must remember that their participation in school sport is a privilege, not a right.
1. Adherence to school policies with respect to attendance, behaviour, and scholastic achievement is a requirement of team membership.
2. Each team member is expected to maintain ACADEMIC and EFFORT STANDARDS consistent with his/her ability. Regular class attendance is mandatory. If a student is unable to attend class the day of a league, exhibition, or zone playoff game in whole or in part may not be able to play in the game.
An athlete unable to meet the ACADEMIC and EFFORT STANDARDS may receive a suspension for a game, week, or season of play from the Athletic Department, or school.
3. Student-athletes will:
1. Treat Everyone with Respect
a. Including team-mates, coaches, opponents, event organizers, spectators, and officials.
b. Respect and accept, with dignity, the decisions of officials.
c. Be generous in winning and graceful in losing.
2. Exercise Self-Control at all times
a. Remember that there is no place in sport for drugs or alcohol.
b. Refrain from the use of foul or profane language.
c. Refrain from the use of physical force outside of the rules of the game.
3. Play Fair
a. Play within the rules and the spirit of the rules of the game at all times.
Spectators are encouraged and welcomed to attend Sands sporting activities and to abide by the following code of conduct.
Spectators will:
1. Treat Everyone with Respect
a. Cheer in a positive manner for all competitors.
b. Respect the decisions of officials.
c. Not interfere with the play or competition
d. Be courteous and respectful to other spectators, competitors, coaches, organizers and officials.
2. Exercise Self-Control at all times
a. Respect the rules and regulations of the facility.
b. Refrain from the use of foul or profane language.
c. Refrain from the use of drugs, alcohol, or physical force of any kind.