Sands Counselling Department | 604-594-3474 |
Sands Youth Worker | 604-594-3474 |
Boys and Girls Club | 604-946-2027 |
Ministry for Children and Family Development | |
Local Office: | 604-501-3237 |
After Hours: | 604-660-8180 |
Mulicultural Help Line | 604-589-3171 |
Youth Clinic (Surrey Memorial Hospital) | 604-585-5999 |
Youth Against Violence Line | 1-800-680-4264 |
Delta Youth Services | 604-591-9262 |
Deltal Police (Non-Emergency) | 604-946-4411 |
Options for Sexual Health | 604-731-4252 |
Planned Parenthood | 604-952-3550 |
Little House Society | |
Phone Support Lines: | |
• Suicide Helpline | 1-800-784-2433 |
• Crisis Line | 604-951-8855 |
• Gay and Lesbian Help Line | 1-800-566-1170 |
• Dial-a-Dietitian | 604-732-9191 |
• Multi-Cultural Help Line | 604-572-4060 |
• Vancouver Rape Relief | 604-872-8212 |
• Youth Against Violence | 1-800-680-4264 |
The Learning Centre provides support to students in Grades 8-12. There are a variety of programmes offered through the Learning Centre, including Learning Assistance, Strategies, and Study Support.
Our Library is the dynamic hub of student life and learning. Library is open all school days at 8am, lunch and afterschool until 3:30
All students have access to a Delta Learns email account.
All students have access to Google Apps for Education with their Delta Learns account. This includes Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, among others. Many teachers also use Google Classroom for posting assignments. Parental permission is required for use of the Google Apps for Education and can be found on Parent Connect.
Internet access at Sands is intended for educational and/or research purposes. Access to the system is a privilege, not a right. Students accessing the Internet from school must conduct themselves in a responsible, decent, and polite manner. Violations of the following guidelines could result in suspension. Students/users:
• may not access or transmit materials that are illegal, defamatory, threatening, or potentially obscene…
• may not violate or attempt to violate the security of any computer system.
• are expected to follow appropriate procedures when using copyrighted material.
• should never reveal personal information on the Internet.
• Provides student support and information about motor vehicles, alcohol and drugs, and criminal and civil law.
• Attends classes and student gatherings to provide information about the role of the police and the law.
• The Custodial staff helps keep the school clean and in good repair.
• Mr. D. Bishop, the Day Custodian, assists students who require space and equipment for their club activities.
• Student cooperation with all requests from the custodial staff is expected at all times.
The Canteen is open from 11:35 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. and provides a complete food service for students and staff. Food selection includes breakfast and lunch serving hot entrées, hot and cold sandwiches, salads, desserts, and beverages. Use of the canteen is a privilege which can be lost for improper student conduct. Students are expected to eat, clean up after themselves, return trays, and to treat others with respect.
• At Sands, we are fortunate to have a team of supervisors who assist the school in supervising the students during the lunch break.
• Clean-up is not part of their duties.
• Students are expected to respect these adults as they would any other adult in the school.
There are a number of vending machines located in the school. Their use is restricted to before school, at lunch time, and after school. These vending machines belong to businesses outside the school and must not be tampered with. Students are liable to pay for any damage done to the machines by shaking or hitting the machines. Students need to contact the businesses directly for all refunds. The office does not give refunds or provide change.
All found items should be brought to the front office where they will be collected and may be claimed until the end of each term. Unclaimed items will then be donated to charity.