Another Great Spirit Week Day. Glad to see so many Twins!
Reminder that Wednesday is Jersey Day, Thursday is Winter vs Summer, and Friday is St. Patrick’s Green Day. Join the fun and show your school spirit all week long!
Shout out to Mr. Thompson and all the boys on the first ever SANDS SENIOR BOYS RUGBY TEAM as they head off to their first tournament this afternoon in South Surrey! Good luck team!
Are you a Dungeons & Dragons player? Come join us at the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CLUB on Tuesdays & Thursdays at lunch n Mr. Jamieson’s room #304
There will be BADMINTON TEAM PRACTICES today, Tuesday March 11th and Friday March 14th in the gym at 3pm!
All students travelling on the SANDS SPRING BREAK TRIP to Europe must attend the final student meeting on Wednesday March 12th at lunch in room 317.
Reminder: PE 10 LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS for all grade 9’s interested in applying for PE 10 Leadership next year: Application forms can be picked up from either the office or from Mr. Gaull.
Forms need to be filled out and returned by Friday March 14th
Grads, the DISTRICT ADMINISTERED SCHOLARSHIPS are out and waiting for your applications! Everything you need to apply for these scholarships has been sent to your deltalearns emails and the application deadline is April 9, 2025.
Contact your referees now! See Ms. Sansregret if you have any questions. Remember, the application deadline is April 9.
DOUGLAS COLLEGE is hosting a 30 minute “Next Steps” info. session on Wednesday, March 12th at 5:00 pm for students admitted for the Fall ’25. Topics to be covered are: Financial Aid, Course Registration and Student Services. If you would like to attend this presentation please use the Link from the Sands App.
REMINDER: 2025 Grads; Your AFTER PARTY TICKETS will be on sale after school TODAY Tuesday March 11th for the early bird price of $55 ! Cash or Cheques only. Cheques made out to DELTA NORTH DRY GRAD COMMITTEE
Your next chance to buy is on April 2nd and May 1st @ Lunch but the price will be $70 !
Come for Breakfast before school at the SANDS SCORPION CAFÉ in the front foyer. Everyone is welcome,
Breakfast will be served, Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday 7:45am – 8:15am and Wednesdays 8:45am – 9:15am.