March 7/2025

BADMINTON TEAM, JUNIOR AND SENIOR, BOYS AND GIRLS, has practice today (Friday March 7th) after school at 3pm in the gym. Bring appropriate athletic wear.

SANDS GOLF TEAM meets today (Friday March 7th) at 5pm at Birdies & Buckets Golf Club. Bring appropriate golf athletic wear – see Mr. NM if you have questions.

AQUATIC LEADERSHIP CLASS APPLICATIONS are due Today (Friday, March 7th) . Please make sure to give them to Ms. Savoy if you are interested.

There will be BADMINTON TEAM PRACTICES on Tuesday March 11th and Friday March 14th in the gym at 3pm!

All students travelling on the SANDS SPRING BREAK TRIP to Europe must attend the final student meeting on Wednesday March 12th at lunch in room 317.

Attention Scorpions! Spirit Week is coming up, & we want everyone to show their school spirit with a fun week lined up:
Monday is PJ Day, Tuesday is Twin Day, Wednesday is Jersey Day, Thursday is Winter vs Summer, and Friday is St. Patrick’s Green Day. Join the fun and show your school spirit all week long!

2025 Grads; Your AFTER PARTY TICKETS will be on sale TUESDAY MARCH 11th after school on early dismissal day for the early bird price of $55 ! Get them before the price goes up ! It’s the One day only price of $55 !
Cash or Cheques only. Cheques made out to DELTA NORTH DRY GRAD COMMITTEE
Your next chance to buy is on April 2nd and May 1st @ Lunch but the price will be $70 !
What is the after party ? It is for the 2025 Graduating classes of Burnsview, Delview, North Delta & Sands. At North Delta Rec on May 23rd starting at 11:30pm until 5am Saturday May 24th.
There will be a Casino, Money Booth, Mechanical Bull, Non-Stop Food, over $14,000 is prizes you could win and So much More ! Don’t miss out on this fun night !